March 20, 2023
Younger Children and Early Elementary
Day 23
READ: He’s here!: The Nativity, from Luke 1-2, p.176-183.
ACTIVITY: Sing your favorite Christmas song(s) about baby Jesus. Act out the story of baby Jesus’ birth.
ORNAMENT IDEAS: hang a baby doll or baby Jesus from your Nativity set on the tree.
This ornament reminds us that Jesus came to be with us.
Older Elementary
Day 23
READ: p.516-533a, “Years of Waiting”, “The Life of Jesus”, “When in Rome. . .”, “Angel Promises” & “Birth of a Savior” (part A).
ACTIVITY: Look at the words of some Christmas Songs, some are about waiting, and others are words of celebration. What words do you like? Why? Are there times in your life when you feel you are waiting for Jesus and others when you are celebrating? Write about this in your journal after talking about it with your family.
ORNAMENT: Baby Jesus from a nativity set. This ornament reminds us that Jesus came to be with us.
Scripture Reading: Luke 1-2