Worship Ministry

What is Worship?
Worship in the Bible means "bending the knee" - putting God first, making God famous.
We seek to help people encounter God as they worship.
Worship is the hub of our church, we are super active and creative and want to help people center their lives on Jesus Christ.
What's happening in worship?
Handbell Choir
Wednesday's | 7:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Everyone is welcome, we just ask that you can read music and commit to regular rehearsals.
Sunday Morning | 8:25 a.m.
Gather in the Hub with the Worship Team to pray for them, their ministry and our church family.
Thursday Nights | 7:00 p.m.
Lights, Sound, Cameras, Action! Join our tech team to help with all of the above and more for our Sunday services.

Worship Band & Choir
Thursday Nights | 7:00 p.m.
The musicians, and tech team from our worship band and worship choir meet every Thursday night for practice.

Worship Cell
1st Tuesday | 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
A lot goes into worship: music, prayer, tech, planning, special services, decorations and visual arts. If God's nudging you in this way, connect with us!
Meet Our Worship Director

Glenn Bugala
Worship Director
I get to lead the contemporary worship band, where I sing, play guitar, and play synthesizer. In this position I bring on new talent, schedule message-pertinent music, and mentor our awesome volunteers in Spirit-led worship. I’m excited to be working with such a diverse, talented, friendly, God-focused group of individuals that are at this church. Huron River Methodist is a place where new people are welcomed, disciples are led, and the community is supported.
Fun Fact: In another life, I was a professional actor in Chicago, where I acted in a small ensemble production of “12 Angry Men” with Jon Favreau.