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Haiti Missions

Who do we support in Haiti?

We support a Haitian missionary, Brother Luc and his work to enrich the lives of haitians and spread the good news of Christ, through building and repairing homes, providing activities for children and so much more. 


We also support Haitian Artisans for Peace International, which works to break the cycle of poverty, maternal and infant morality, and broken family systems by changing the trajectory of individuals, families, and communities.

Why we support Brother Luc & go to Haiti

Brother Luc

The mission is ongoing and support is given financially, through prayers and occasional group trips to Haiti and the center there. Here’s why:


  • To provide support for children in Haiti who have very little. This may be through helping build or repair items in their homes, or provide a means for water or power.


  • To show God’s love to the people of Haiti who feel forgotten. This can be done by interacting with the youth through sports, hanging out with them, eating a meal and sharing devotion or prayer time.


  • To see how those that have very little live, so we can appreciate their struggles and realize how blessed we are.


  • To provide support to Brother Luc, who has given his life to serve these young men.

What you need to know

For more information, please contact Tom Snyder, Huron River Methodist Pastor of Missions, Care & Senior Adult Ministry here.


What is Haitian Artisans for Peace International

HAPI works to break the cycle of poverty, maternal and infant mortality and broken family systems by changing the trajectory of individuals, families and communities. Focusing on community health, holistic education and economic empowerment, HAPI embodies the love and mission of Jesus Christ.


It’s a faith-based community development ministry whose mission is to empower Haitians, mostly women, to grow their capacity to lead with integrity, to develop solutions to their own problems, and to help their families and communities to live to their fullest potential.

Why we support HAPI

HAPI has been selected and is being financially supported by the United Methodist Church Global Ministries department.


Its goal is to break the cycle of charity and dependency. HAPI assists primarily rural-area women as they struggle to provide basic needs for their families by helping them organize their artistic skills into a money-making enterprise and offering a sales outlet to churches and organizations.


Significant activities include: artisan fair trade; micro business loans; basic health and dental services, maternal care; children’s activities in art, 4H and increasing individual and organizational capacity through technology and project management.


HAPI also works on clean water projects, education and English language classes for children and adults, has set up an electrical program (HAPI runs on solar energy) and provides distance learning via the computer café. They also raise goats which are given to families.

What you need to know

At least one Huron River Methodist member, Gail Girbach, has visited Haiti as a United Methodist Volunteer in Mission on several occasions to help with work in Haiti. For six weeks, she worked as interim director to cover a vacation. She also was volunteer U.S. Team Coordinator for HAPI.


HAPI seeks people to volunteer at home, to donate sewing and other crafts materials and equipment and seeks financial donations to support its work.

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