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Ringing of the Earth

Writer's picture: Pastor DenisePastor Denise

December 9

Day 13

Listen to: “On this Day the Earth Shall Ring”

One of my favorite sounds at Christmas time are bells playing. While bell choirs often perform at other times of the year, I count on hearing them during Christmas and especially Christmas Eve. I think the warm tones of the big bells countered with the high wispy chimes make my heart sing. I love the idea of this Song that the angels voices make the earth ring…like bells! (Speaking of “idea” you will hear the word “ideo” in the song which means…idea. In the refrain you hear the joy, dare I say ringing of gladness, at the news shared in each verse.)

Often, we think of bells as a way to announce the start of something…and so it is that God started something new at the birth of Jesus. I wonder what God would like to start new with you and your family this year? Listen for the bells and the ringing of the earth…and ask God to do a new thing in your life.

Activity for Kids:

Find some bells and ring them, or clap spoons together. Do this as a reminder that God will show up this season and may start a new thing in your life. Talk about what new thing you would like God to do in your heart.

Move the angels one note.


Words: Personet Hodie from Piae Cantiones, 1582 trans. Jane M. Joseph (1894-1929), 1924(5)

Music: "Personent hodie," 1582

1. On this day earth shall ring with the song children sing to the Lord, Christ our King, born on earth to save us; him the Father gave us.

Refrain: Id-e-o-o-o, id-e-o-o-o, Id-e-o gloria in excelsis Deo!

2. His the doom, ours the mirth; when he came down to earth, Bethlehem saw his birth; ox and ass beside him from the cold would hide him. Refrain

3. God's bright star, o'er his head, Wise Men three to him led; kneel they low by his bed, lay their gifts before him, praise him and adore him. Refrain

4. On this day angels sing; with their song earth shall ring, praising Christ, heaven's King, born on earth to save us; peace and love he gave us. Refrain

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