December 18
Day 22
Listen to: “As it Fell Upon a Night”
I have noticed over the years, that people like stories. When a couple or more people gather around, just listen, a story or two permeates the thread of the conversation. What do we like to do in our down time…watch movies, TV shows or read books? Why? We are people of story, created by God as part of His story. And so, it is with the birth of Jesus…the angels tell a story to the shepherds. They took the story to be theirs and acted on it.
Whether we realize it or not, we are motivated by the story we choose to live by. Take time today to think about the story that matters most to you. How does that dictate the use of your time, money, and energy? I invite you to join the shepherds and follow the story from God sent through the angels this Christmas.
Activity for kids:
Talk about your favorite stories and why you like them. Are they similar to stories in the Bible? Retell the angel story in Luke 2.
Move the angels forward one note.
1 As it fell upon a night In the winter weather, Angels bright in starry height Began to sing together.
2 Shepherds sleeping on the plain Woke to see the glory, All amazed they stood and gazed And heard the angels’ story.
3 Unto you a child is born In a manger lowly, Humble, He, yet born to be The King of Love most holy.
4 Happy angels from afar, Cease your singing never! In excelsis gloria! Forever and forever.