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1Days of Lent Family Devotions: Day 24

March 21, 2023

Younger Children and Early Elementary

Day 24

READ: The Light of the whole world: The story of the shepherds, from Luke 2, p.184-191.

ACTIVITY: Gather as many flashlights as possible. Turn out all the lights and then one at a time turn on the flashlights. Watch the light grow. Talk about how the Angels lit up the night sky and told the shepherds about the light of the world, Jesus. When we see light, let’s remember Jesus the Light of the world.

ORNAMENT IDEAS: Hang an angel, or shepherd from your nativity set, or a flashlight.

This ornament reminds us of the announcement that Jesus the light of the world is born.

Older Elementary

Day 24

READ: p.533b -535a, “Birth of a Savior”.

ACTIVITY: Retell this story from the perspective of an animal that may have been there that night. Write a story, or draw a picture board.

ORNAMENT: An Angel or shepherd from a nativity set. This ornament reminds us of the announcement that Jesus the light of the world is born.

Scripture Reading: Luke 2

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