Use these four days in a row, or one a week for the next month

Day 1
READ: Going Home: The Ascension, from Matthew 28, Mark 16, Luke 24, John 14, p.318-324.
ACTIVITY: Jesus went to Heaven to prepare a place for you. Draw a picture of what you think that place might be like.
ORNAMENT IDEAS: Picture, drawing or the place Jesus is making for you.
This ornament reminds me that I will live forever and ever with Jesus.
Day 2
READ: God sends help: Pentecost, from Acts 1-5; John 15, p.326-333.
ACTIVITY: Make flames how you imagine they would be from our story. Parents, talk about a time when you felt God’s Holy Spirit warm your heart.
ORNAMENT IDEA: Hang the flame on fire you made.
Day 3
ACTIVITY: Lead each other around the house or yard blindfolded. Talk about how it feels not to see. How was it to see again? Today’s story is about seeing and not seeing.
READ: A new way to see: The story of Paul, from Acts 6-9, 12-28; Colossians 2; Romans 8; Ephesians 2, p.334-341.
ORNAMENT IDEAS: Blindfold or eye patches for not seeing, or glasses to represent seeing better or in a new way.
This ornament reminds us God will help us see Jesus, just like he helped Paul.
Day 4
READ: A dream of Heaven: John sees into the future, from Revelation 1,5,21,22, p.342-351.
ACTIVITY: Make or buy a blank book and start writing your story – the story about you and God!
Dear Friends,
Thank you for joining us on this Lenten journey. What a joy it has been to share our family tradition with you. This is not really the end.
Endings are also new beginnings. The end of Lent brings the beginning of the Easter Season. The end of the Lent readings brings a time for Weekly Family Devotion Night. While I won’t be writing devotions for every day I will continue to provide blog posts and share resources.
Blessings for your journey.
Pastor Denise.